Indian wine company Champagne Indage has changed its name to Indage Vintners Ltd (IVL).
The name change also means that the term ‘Champagne’ will no longer be used to describe IVL products. The company said the move is “to respect Intellectual Property Rights as part of the business’s amalgamation into the global trading community.”
The Company’s main domestic brand portfolios are Chateau Indage and Indage Vineyards. Globally, IVL is expanding in UK and Australia and the focus is on introducing further international brand portfolios.
Ranjit.S.Chougule, managing director of IVL said: “Our idea illustrates our need for progress and dynamism while retaining our classic heritage as being the pioneering company in wine making in India."
Within India, the company produces more than 1.5 million (9 litre) cases of wine from around 2,000 acres of vineyard. IVL owns a 3.5 million case winery called Thachi Wines in South Australia that produces Australian and New Zealand wine brands like Red Sky, Broken Earth and South Bay. IVL’s Australia operations are based out of Vinecrest and IVL also owns and operates, under Indage UK Ltd, a wine supply chain management business. The company operates in 58 countries with a consolidated turnover of $100 million.
In India, IVL is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and is part of the Indage Group.