Emporia says the Lithuanian will be touring the UK over the coming months, visiting Manchester, Newcastle, Edinburgh and London among others, and showing off a variety of serves of the Ukraine expressions including Staritsky & Levitsky Reserve, Private Cellar and Distil No.9.
Kazlauskas has been working in the UK bar scene since 2004. He has worked at some of London’s best including National Café, Casino at the Empire, Cinnamon Soho, Bison Bar at Home House and Pachamama Bar and Grill Peruvian Restaurant in Marylebone.
Emporia says Staritsky & Levitsky is being enjoyed at some of London’s venues including Novikov and Mahiki, as well as supporting Cocktails in the City and on the shelf at Master of Malt, The Drink Shop, Gerry’s and Hedonism Wines.