The newspaper obtained a letter, sent to other members of a Cabinet sub-committee. In the letter, Lord Mandelson wrote: “I support the approach that where measures appear without a planned implementation date — and on the assumption they are not planned for the near future — we commit to not imposing these measures until after April 2011.”
The letter cites the mandatory code on alcohol.
Commenting on the report, British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) director of communications Mark Hastings said: “We are very pleased the Government has listened and responded to our compelling arguments on this unnecessary and disproportionate legislation – and recognised the damage that it would do to Britain’s pubs.
“This is in no small measure due to the active and intensive lobbying we have pursued – and particular thanks are due to the thousands of people who responded to the Government through our Axe the Beer Tax/Save the Pub website, which I am sure made a real difference to the campaign.
“While the code is now shelved, we have made clear to Government we would continue to support specific targeted action on irresponsible promotions. This could still be achieved, through a straightforward measure that doesn’t drown Britain’s pubs in costly red tape.”