The online community allows bartenders to create profiles, “follow” one another and download applications that focus on information on bartending and the spirits industry. and DeKuyper will also host regional on-premise challenges where professional trade bartenders from 12 cities across the county will submit their own original recipes using DeKuyper products. MixMasters Challenge contestants will be judged by a panel of local experts based on taste, appearance, name creativity, simplicity and originality. The winners from the local contests will go on to participate in the National MixMasters Challenge being held in New Orleans on Nov. 5, 2009. For the prize of $10,000, National Challenge participants will be judged on their cocktail-making skills and creativity.
Anne Cyron, senior director, cordials and rums, Beam Global Spirits & Wine said: “The MixMasters Challenges solidify the DeKuyper commitment to the on-premise and engage bartenders in an innovative way.”
Featured site tools include the “Drink Shrink,” “Cocktails by Condition” and “Cocktail Central.” The “Drink Shrink” tool allows bartenders to finally be the ones asking for advice instead of the ones giving it. Users can submit any question relating to bartending, including industry trends, recipe ideas and customer service, to the “Drink Shrink” and give responses thumbs up or thumbs down. “Cocktails by Condition” is a weather widget that allows users to get a local weather forecast as well as a suggested cocktail to match. “Cocktail Central” tools allows bartenders to upload recipes into their “Black Book” for personal storage or to share with other users. “Black Books” will be accessible via mobile phone later this year.
For more information, visit