2007 International Spirits Challenge Supplement
20 February, 2008
The International Spirits Challenge (ISC) will this year enter its 13th year, still leading the way in tasting and promoting outstanding quality spirits from around the world.
Each year nearly a 1,000 spirit drinks from across the globe are rigorously judged and tasted by the industry’s leading international spirits experts, many flown in from around the world. The commercial benefits of winning one of the prestigious ISC awards are huge, reaching all levels from distiller to retailer.
Entries for 2007 rose 20 per cent on the previous year, demonstrating that the ISC awards are increasingly a benchmark of quality for all spirits categories.Entrants stand a chance of winning either gold, silver and bronze medals. Those securing gold will be re-tasted to decide whether they are then worthy of a 'trophy', denoting that little extra class.The range of choice for the consumer shows no signs of shrinking, especially among the white spirits. However with increased choice comes fierce brand competition. Never has an ISC medal meant more to the trade, and in turn the consumer, to help it stand out from the pack. Click here to download the 2007 International Spirits Challenge Supplement