Wednesday October 5 is the provisional date for the guild’s Martini event, as part of London Cocktail Week.
Friday October 7: Mansion House - Gin Guild installation and Worshipful Company of Distillers’ banquet, at which it is understood that the Lord Mayor will be present.
Guild director general, Nicholas Cook (pictured) says there is no cost for guild members to attend the installation (subject to space constraints. Priority will be given to those also attending the banquet). The cost, inclusive of all wines and spirits, to attend the livery company’s banquet is £150, inclusive of VAT. Booking/menu details will be available in September.
Tuesday May 9, 2017: Gin Industry Annual Dinner.
Cooks says this will be moving to the Old Library in the Guildhall London.
Thursday June 8, 2017. Ginposium 2017.
Cook reports this will be held at the RSA in London, a larger premises allowing more to attend in greater comfort. He is looking for suggestions as to speakers and content.